Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thought Collage: Part VII (Stand up and Be counted)

In this one, I have a short collection of short nonsensical paragraphs.
The kind of stuff that would probably go on someone’s twitter.
But I don’t and will never twitter.
Twittering is for losers.

As is the best way to start any day, let me begin by talking about shitting! I am a big fan of reading while on the toilet. The calm of the morning while you cleanse your body (so to speak) is highly conducive for a relaxing read. What the world (or at the very least me) needs is some sort of support structure that can easily be pulled up in front on which a book can be placed. Maybe it can be designed to even hold other stuff. I don’t have a fully formed idea in my mind yet but I cannot help feel that this is great idea. Maybe I will sketch something soon!

Here is one way for employers to increase productivity. Give your employees the option to change/swap the location of their work station every 6 months. It would be great if people could simply pack up and move to a new place as if you are starting a new job. I for one would like the novelty associated and the feeling of starting afresh that comes with it. Moreover if you hate the guy working next to your cubicle, you have to put up with him for only a short period of time instead of trying to start the next crusades!

There have been many occasions when I felt that the magnificent view that can be from an airplane window is hampered due to the miniature sized windows. An aerial view of earth is not something that can be obtained whenever one feels like it and the few chances that I get to do so, I am stuck with an iphone browser instead of an IMAX!
What do we want?
Bigger windows on planes!
When do we want it?
Whenever possible (cuz we are reasonable)

Who decided that all clocks need to be essentially 'multiplication clocks'? I am kinda tired of multiplying whenever I want to read the time. Maybe getting into dividing will help change the drudgery that is reading time off an analog watch. I want a clock like this. Who is with me? Who is?

I think my toes are useless. I think everyone’s toes are useless too. Can you think of one thing you cannot do if you had perfectly webbed feet? In fact webbed feet will help you swim faster. Most people spend 8 hrs of their day wearing shoes and in really cold places I am guessing the rest of the time is spent wearing socks. There really isn’t anything you use your toes for (fetishes notwithstanding). Plus think about all the times you stubbed them and prayed to god to take you away so that the pain ends. All in all, toes should be declared vestigial organs. I am declaring an evolutionary war on them. Women of the world, you know what to do (just consider me too even though I have normal healthy non-webbed sexy toes ;) !!

But seriously, don’t twitter!
If you do, we can never be friends.
If you already are my friend and twitter, then ‘cutiff’!


Anonymous said...

I disagree Ro... I think toes are very useful!
I can pinch people with my toes, I can move my pinky toe independently of all others (if I havent shown you this, remind me and I will) and I can make my toes (and feet) float in mid air while I sleep!

Golu said...

You know the saying...mad dogs and Englishmen.

Golu said...

And to end the discussion, please see this - 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12FMHLweh9A'

In spite of having hands, will we ever have such fluency ?

Roman said...

Subbu...pinching, pinky toe shaking and toe-floating all count as fetishes which are being given zero weightage. Therefore, no toes for you!
As a matter of fact, I can move my pinky toe independently too! B-)/:P

Golu...Fine...addendum: you can keep your toes if you dont have hands.