Monday, April 10, 2006

Under the Bridge...the greatest song in the world!

Golu has a small post on RHCP’s forthcoming album Stadium Arcadium. There is a little discussion in the comments about their new song.

This triggered me. I wanted to write a post on the musical monster that is RHCP. Something about how, when broadly categorized their songs fall into 2 groups. One ‘Funky’ group with songs like ‘Give it away’, ‘Walkabout’, ‘If u have to ask’ etc. and one ‘Plain beautiful music’ group with songs like ‘Under the bridge’, ‘My friends’, ‘Soul to squeeze’ etc. And also delve into why I like their new song and how when ‘Stadium Arcadium’ releases Ill own a copy of it faster than you can say ‘Red Hot Chili Peppers’.

But then I lost enthu and time!
So I give you two things instead.

--> A long forgotten post about RHCP and the song Under the Bridge.

--> A Video of my guitar:
Like I’ve mentioned in the info to this video, this is the first in a forth-coming series that I shall be calling “When good songs happen to bad guitar players”. I'd hate to raise people's expectations and then have them come crashing down. So let me mention that Im not very good. And no...this is not a case of pretentious modesty where I say "Oh I play a little guitar...but Im not very good" and then pick up a guitar and belt out Hendrix licks like they were nothing. It's all for fun so it doesn't have to be great!

I missed some notes...I know. Think of it as my signature style.
That's right...missing notes and muting chords...that's me baby! YEAH! :P


kate said...

Very impressive indeed! :)

Golu said...

muting chords rock u bastard :D Have u seen frusciante mute the strings and play scar tissue :D

Needless to say, I have already told u that u r better than sidney

Golu said...

Also !!!!! Finally I see u featuring RATM...good show :)

Roman said...

Kate...Thank you very much indeed :)

Golu...I agree...muting chords creates a very nice sound...but I might mute chords even when its not necessary :D
And yeah...RATM rocks!
Lights out!

Hitchcock said...

katti katti katti... now i can say i have a cool handsome funky guitarist.. to go with a humourous black bassist!
ulti man!! this an alternate career choice btw??

Roman said...

lol anurag...I dont know what katti means but I am guessing its something good :) And 'alternate career option'...I wish! :(
Arey golu is a 1000 times godder...we arent even in the same ballpark. I had to record this atleast 10 times before I got it right. So there!

Golu said...

sro u americanised bastard... i am sure he meant katti as in knife in gult.

Btw what makes u think all the recordings i send are the ones i crack off in first time

Ren said...

And you play guitar too... Now I'm really impressed. Most impressive, young one.

Hitchcock said...

ro..that makes u a poor recorder... just like u are a poor cooker :D am in my goddest PJ mood..
golu.. ro never was a gult guy man.. always the engilpiece paandu he was!!! i still remember how he put pseud to malini with his english :))))
" i shall be thy knight in shining armor and i shall show u ard my dominion mumbai.." something to that effect..only infily more poetically
ro..had to take a cheap shot :)

Golu said...

FUCK :D Ro I was abt to write that I couldn't imagine u doing that. That's when I realised that if I had to imagine anyone saying had to be u :D

Roman said...

Golu...what crap! If Anurag had spelt it as 'Kathi' then I prolly wud have read it right!

Labbie...Many thanks O wise old one! :D

Anurag...yugaxx! :D

Golu and Anurag re: Malini...
Will the horror never stop! :(/:P