Friday, April 21, 2006

So it talks…but does it dance?

We, at Roman Entertainment Inc. welcome you once again.
As our loyal customers are very well aware, we have always provided you with various forms of entertainment. Be it anecdotes, guitar playing or funny/useless pictures, we have always strived to provide you, our consumer with the best of material. And now we have a new product. Normally other companies waste no time in sweet-talking their new product. We, on the other hand believe that you are the best judge. All we ask you to do is check out this new shit, bitches (and also watch out for the guy in the red tee.)
We sincerely hope you enjoy it. Remember,
We mix our business with your pleasure.


Shrini said...

abbe bloody RO..... awesome.... decent choreo.... better than many half-ass attempts in gyrations competitions here. but give us more info. what when where why was this dance?

Golu said...

because ro wanted to impress females as usual :P Not that we aren't trying the same thing, but ro takes his desperation levels to the next rung :D

Hitchcock said...

i like those cool cloth thingies on your hand.. adds to your coolness ro... u shuld wear them to school!!!
and i think u should demand that u are placed as the single male lead..... u are simply an amazing dancer..they are wasting bollywoods the place for u.. got it all mah man!!!! think abt it

Anonymous said...

6:59 minutes spent dancing. IF only you could keep it up that long when you needed to.
Ro your CKD giri is transcending new heights. Don't tell me the desi girl/guy ratio in olemiss is 6:2 also. Or did you beat away all the other guys with a stick?
On the other hand congrats for not forgetting your culture etc etc. Your parents will be proud and find you a nice gulti girl who can play the dholak while you do that dance.


kray said...

LOL at renta's comment!! :D:D

abbey but seriously, good fight u put :P

Roman said...

Shrini...Thanks...truthfully the dance looks much better with proper costumes and everything! Arey its one of the shows for an annual event at Olemiss called 'India Nite'.

Golu...Partly true! :D
I wanted to dance and was hoping females would get impressed anway! B-D

Anurag...Hurr...u sarcy arse!!! I know Im too good for Bollywood :P

Renta...Oh I can keep it up for much longer Renta ;)
And yes...the ratio isnt much better here. And I am going through an arranged marriage for no need to beat up anyway! Really.

Kray...Shutup and go back to your cabin! :P

kate said...

OMG! I am impressed!
you guys could do with some more coordination, but all of that is overshadowed by the fact that you have enthu to dance for an audience!!!!


Roman said...

Kate...Thanks. :)
Yeah...we defly needed some more co-ordi but this was the final practice before the main show so there was not much time for major improvement. We did manage delta more co-ordination in the main show though.

Ren said...

Yeah... Uh... How did that go?

"Cut. Print. Gay."


Ren said...

Looking at this again, a little more drunk this time, it looks like the kind of dance that guys would do in the lockerroom... Snapping at each other with the towels and such...

Golu said...

ro...weve had enuf of u get back to blog blog!!!

Roman said...

Labbie...:D Hilarious thought!
But obviously you've had too much to drink!
And yeah...the final show was good.

Golu...Exams man...let them finish! Of course you know we all expect a detailed account of your debauchery in Austria when you get back!

Anonymous said...

while changing the template of your blog every now and then may add more color, it definitely doesn't help that you have no new articles.
Please, please do an article on this:


kray said...

nuff changing colours n stuff! POST u lazy ass!! :P

Hitchcock said...

orrei lanja,,em chestunnavu be baadacow.. start posting.. i am jobless for a month.. i demand to be entertained..

Roman said...

Dear everyone!
Im back!
Thanks for the love! :P

- Ubiquitous - said...

The guy with the red tee is you, I presume.

You're an amazing dancer I must say! Whew, talent I say!