Tuesday, November 04, 2008


“Let me tell you why I think archaeology is important. Archaeology is important because history repeats itself and man makes the same mistakes all the time. Since we are fallible, the only way we can prevent mistakes is by learning from our past and the further we go back in time, the more of our baser instincts we see in play. That is why it is vital to understand how our ancestors behaved and try and not make the same mistakes.”

-Drunk me to a cute archaeologist at a halloween party before the conversation turned downhill and she finally left! I need some help finding my optimum intoxication level wherein I can be smooth but avoid vocalizing all the random crap that comes to my mind!

Also, I have to acknowledge this:
Obama wins! NICE!


Anonymous said...

"Since we are fallible, the only way we can prevent mistakes is by learning from our past and the further we go back in time, the more of our baser instincts we see in play." ...and come to think of it there are some bases of yours that I have an instinct to play with. - should have been your next line. Was she an archaeologist or just dressed as an archaeologist for halloween? Also, did you have this entire conversation rehearsed and repeated in your head as you walked up to her only to turn away awkwardly at the last second when she made eye contact wondering who the drunk gentleman approaching her was?

Anonymous said...

Ro, waste fellow don't dump her like you dumped Kallar.


P.S. Ni sulli challa peda ga undi.

Roman said...

Renta (I'm assuming it's you): No, she was a real archaeologist. And I am not going to dignify your accusations of me being a loser by responding to them directly! ;)

Golu: indantha oh silly thing ra. antha pedda deal kaadu!

Golu said...

hahaha madar renta..blaady have the balls to post with your own alias.

- the real golaxxx