Sunday, June 04, 2006

By Toutatis, these Romans are lazy!

I’m back people.
Where was I?
I was abducted by aliens...that’s why I couldn’t blog. don’t believe me. You want the truth?


Because I have breakfast 300 yards for 4000 other graduate students who are trained to work harder than me and publish more than me so don’t for one second think that you can come down here, flash your graph and make me nervous!


Anyway so there’s this incredibly crappy newspaper that circulates on my campus. Well yes, it is a student publication and one might say how much can one expect from a student publication but that’s just a sad excuse. It’s almost as if all the shit in the sewers crawls out in the morning (right after it’s freshly put there, of course) and finds its way to the printing press and arranges itself on plain white sheets in the form of letters and words and a few ads here and there and by the time you flush and shower and get dressed and get to your workstation its right there waiting for you to start giving out its stink! Yes the newspaper stinks that much. I have absolutely no personal vendetta towards anyone associated with it. In fact I have to admit for the lack of wide variety of entertainment sources I read this every freaking day! NEVERTHELESS it sucks!

And I read an extremely disturbing article in it a couple of days ago.
It was so disturbing that it shook me right of my blogging stupor and prompted me to share it with everyone. It went something like this...

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands – Several self-avowed pedophiles founded a political party in the Netherlands and plan to endorse broadcasting pornographic material on daytime television and showing children as young as 12 to feature in porn films.
The Charity, Freedom and Diversity party said on Wednesday that its central campaign platform will be lowering the age of consent in the Netherlands from 16 to 12.
“Forbidding children from sex only make them more curious”, party president Martijn Uittenbogaard told The Associated Press. Uittenbogaard said his new party had supporters from ‘all corners of the country’ but acknowledged that the launch had been marked by poor attendance. Reports said that the launch in the city of Leiden was only attended by people from the media.


Its not the fact that such perverts and disgusting people exist that bothers me. I had come to terms with that long ago. What beats the shit out of my senses is that these people think its perfectly ok to
1) come out in the society and declare that they are pedophiles
2) form a freaking POLITICAL PARTY with an agenda to lower the age of consent for sex...which essentially boils down to the fact that they want to ‘molest’ younger and younger children and are quite unhappy that they can’t go about doing it because of some law!
3) try and disguise this whole thing with an excuse as unbelievable stupid as the remark made by its party president and claim that they have support from "all corners of the country"

I understand that the Netherlands is probably the most broad-minded (for the lack of a better word that I can think of) society in today’s world but this is really the limit! I guess what really bothers me about this whole thing is that how can they let such people get away with such audacity? Moreover, if nothing’s done, doesn’t it set a bad precedent! This sucks so much that our campus newspaper seems to be not so high on the sucks-big-time-scale.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The world as we know it has taken one step down the morality ladder! If this keeps up, we are f-ed for sure!


Ren said...

Yeah, it's f*cked...

Hitchcock said...

ewwww...gross!!!! horrible dude!

Roman said...

Labbie and Anurag...
It really is a sad state of affairs!