Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Paris Hilton (Updated)

No! This is not about her infamous tape! But its kind of related to it. :)
I recently came across this mock interview of Paris Hilton done by Jimmy Fallon on Saturday Night Live and its hilarious! The file is too big to put a link to but I thought its worth posting the transcript (or atleast what I remember of it!)

Update: Thanx to internet wizard Golu...here is the link to the interview on google videos. Link

Jimmy Fallon: Thanks for coming on. As we agreed, we won't be discussing the scandal that's been in the papers these past couple of weeks. We just want to find out about you, Paris Hilton.
Paris Hilton: Thanks Jimmy, I appreciate that.
JF: So, your family, the Hiltons, own hotels all over the world, right?
PH: Yes, they're in New York, London, Paris.
JF: Oh wait, so.... there actually is a Paris Hilton?
PH: Yes, there is.
JF: Is it hard to get into the Paris Hilton?
PH: Actually, it's a very exclusive hotel, no matter what you've heard.
JF: I hear the Paris Hilton is very beautiful.
PH: I'm glad you've heard that.
JF: Do they allow double occupancy at the Paris Hilton?
PH: No.
JF: Is the Paris Hilton roomy?
PH: It might be for you, but most people find it very comfortable.
JF: But I'm a VIP. I may need to go in the back entrance.
PH: It doesn't matter who you are. It's not gonna happen.
JF: Ok...Ok. So I throw a lot of events...I was wondering if there is a ballroom at the Paris Hilton
PH: Yes there is.
JF: Great! I would love to have my balls held by the Paris Hilton.
PH: Not gonna happen Jimmy.
JF: Really...I mean atleast I can check in right...cuz I wont be able to stay long...maybe minute and a half at the max.
PH: Good Luck Jimmy!
JF: Thank You very much! Paris Hilton everybody!!!!

1 comment:

Golu said...

lol max nice one ra ro..though u really dont have anything to do with it :P