Saturday, May 28, 2005

Fight Club...

I always wondered...Why am I so fascinated by this movie? What is so bloody inspiring about watching a bunch of people beat each other up? Its not the idea of the movie about how people have become slaves to todays materialistic world and how we must free ourselves that appeals to me (Remember Tyler's words: "Sometimes the things you own, end up owning you")
Apart from obvious "coolness" that Pitt and Norton exude, I think the reason lies in whats written in the pic. It couldn't have been put better. I seriously dont want to die without any scars now!


Pavan said...

Ro... for me the 'thing' of the movie was the ruthless potrayal of lots of things we hold sacred. All of us fight to get, as u once rightly put it, 'socially acceptable jobs', even though we might stink at them! :)

For some odd reason your post made me remember Pearl Jam's 'Do The Evolution'!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah G...that makes sense!