Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Leap of Logic

I was sitting in the sauna at my gym when this old guy enters and sits down. Within a minute he starts talking.

Him: "Was pretty cold yesterday?" (It was atypically below freezing and had snowed all day)
Me: "Yeah..."
Him: "And now it's getting a little too warm in here" (he meant the sauna)
Me: "Yeah..."
Him: "Maaan...this is like being in hell"

I nod. It actually was getting a little too hot in there.

Him: "Except, here you can walk out to cool off and come back in, but in hell there is no escape"
Me: "....I guess...."
Him: "And that's why you need to accept Jesus as your lord and saviour and reject all the other fake religions. Only through Christianity can you reach heaven. The other religions are fake because all they do is borrow from Christianity and mislead people into thinking they can achieve salvation..."
Me (interrupting him): "Yeeaah...DEATH TO THE INFIDELS" (could have been in my imagination)

Slightly amused at his awesome leap in logic, I contemplated for a brief moment about getting into a debate about religion with him. But it really was getting too hot for any sort of talk. Plus I did not want to disappoint him by letting him know that I wasn't a muslim (or anything in fact). So I cut him short and left to stand under a cold shower and wash away my sins of the day! Later I went home hungry and had a slice of delicious pizza and a cold beer. That was heaven enough for me.

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