It has been over six months since I last posted anything meaningful. The reason for this has been a major life style change for me. I was in my own peaceful little world at the University of Mississippi pursuing my Masters with what I can best describe as a vague notion rather than a concrete goal of finishing up by December of 2006. All that changed in the second week of September when I landed a job in Virginia out of the blue. And I was required to join by December. Now this meant that I had some serious wrapping up of my Masters to do in about 2 months. Looking back now, I have to say I sortoff managed it. There was some extra work that spilled over to the next semester but I did manage to get the majority of my work done and move to Virginia by the required date.
And that is where I am right now. My Masters finishing exercise when I was still in Mississippi and the demands that come with moving to a new place (finding a place to live, buying furniture, buying my first car and other such mundane things) did not leave much time for me to blog. Once things settled down, the inertia of rest (of not posting) that had set in was quite substantial and it took the likes of Rachel Specter to motivate me to write something again! :P
Nevertheless, I hope to soon write something more entertaining than a marginally boring update of my life (which sadly doesn’t even take that much space!). On a parting note, I am sure everyone would agree readily when I say that the advantages of having a job as compared to being a graduate student are enormous. But one of the best things that has happened is that this whole new lifestyle allowed me to go from this…
….to this…
As ultra clichéd as it is to do…I just had to post a pic of my car! :)