I have good reason to believe that the people working in the frontiers of technologies that have mediocre importance to mankind read my blog. Delusions of grandeur you say? I say nay! In a previous post that was written more than 2 years ago I made a case for the need to have some way of listening to music while swimming to combat the boredom . I of course completely forgot about it. Then a few months back I happened to flip through the pages of a skymall magazine during a flight when I stumbled upon the SWIMP3. As one can easily guess from its name, it is an MP3 player that can be used underwater while doing laps. Awesome!
I personally think it’s a neat device and the only thing that is stopping me from purchasing it is its cost of 180$. That seems a tad too much and most likely there are similar and cheaper devices. I’ll probably get one for myself anyway sometime soon! But for now, let me say GOOD JOB MANKIND. I’m proud of you. And since I now know that you take a cue from me, how about getting started on that teleportation? It’s been a while since the idea was first conceived and no results yet? Shame shame!
And on an unrelated note, happy new year to everyone. Don’t forget that 2008 is a leap year and this means we have an extra day this year to party!!! Here is my new year’s gift to one and all…a cover of a small part of Pink Floyd’s epic song, ‘Echoes’. Try and enjoy (inspite of the less than mediocre vocals)!